The Challenge

A Brief Background: Why Is It Important for Farmers to Gain Direct Access to Markets?
Meghalaya is a largely agrarian state in North East India with immense crop diversity and unique nutritional values attributed to topography and reliance on indigenous, organic methods of farming. Despite the quality of the commodities and organic status, the farmers habitually see little to no financial benefits. Companies that buy from the farmers bargain the cost with an uneven power dynamic and sell at exorbitant prices. This is a situation faced by nearly all independent farmers across rural India.

The Smart Village Solution

Increase Agribusiness Productivity & Marketability with AI and Deep Learning

Help farmers to market their products by bringing in partners that provide virtual information regarding the authenticity of the commodities using end-to-end satellite tracing. Prakshep is a satellite intelligence company leveraging the power of deep learning to extract information at scale.

Project: SVM-Prakshep For Food

Through this project we aim to bring farmers one step closer to retail outlets through satellite based tracking and monitoring of crops, ensuring complete transparency and detailed records. The tri-party process enforces a blend of Plot tracking, Stress Generation, and Lead Generation with the use of the company’s proprietary Artificial Intelligence software.



The FDCs have been refurbished and the respective entrepreneurs have taken ownership of their businesses.


Smart Village Movement-Prakshep will act as a marketing and technology partner to rural Self Help Groups and Farmer Groups, enabling them to showcase their produce to a national buyer base.

Marketing Rural Organic Produce to a National Buyer Base

The SVM Platform

The SVM-Berkeley curated open innovation platform builds an Open Innovation ecosystem that connects the villager’s challenges to corporates, academic research, and state governments.

We help leverage shared capital and operational resources with co-innovation and collaborative engagements bringing optimum solutions to rural challenges.

Our Vision

A shift to high-quality water for remote rural areas in Meghalaya and one day all over India & the world.

Contribute & Participate

Corporates, non-profit organizations or volunteers interested in partnering with SVM, please Contact us to learn more about our work and how you can participate.

Please visit our SVM platform and sign up to know more details on all of our projects.

The rural world needs your support. Please consider contributing through our donation page or Global Giving

Empower the rural world.