SVM Receives a Best Practice Award at WOIC 2023

Smart Village Movement, November 12, 2023

We are thrilled to share some exciting news. The Initiative of  Smart Village Movement (SVM) taken up through Govt of Meghalaya secured the prestigious third place amongst the best practice submissions presented by companies and practitioners all over the world at the World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) 2023, held on November 9 and 10 in Bilbao, Spain. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence.

This landmark conference delves into the question, “Is it true that we innovate better if we do it together?”

This year’s WOIC theme, “Bringing Together Stakeholders for Joint Value Creation,” perfectly aligns with our core values and vision at SVM and showcases how co-innovation is a win-win for all stakeholders and can bring lasting change.

As part of WOIC 2023, everyone was invited to share a best practice from their corporate work or public policy experience. The best practice sessions offer a unique opportunity to receive feedback from a wide audience, fostering an environment of continuous improvement.

We are excited to announce that SVM submitted two best practices for consideration, with one of them titled “Improving Access to Primary Healthcare for Rural Communities through a Multipronged Approach.” This initiative aimed at leveraging open innovation to integrate interventions through private players and harness the potential of technology to enhance the healthcare ecosystem in rural areas of Meghalaya. The model facilitated collaboration, overcoming rigid regulations in the public healthcare sector, and encourages private player engagement for quick iterations and pivots. This not only enhanced healthcare coverage but also guided improvements in the public sector.

Despite unforeseen circumstances preventing our physical presence at the conference, SVM connected virtually with the WOIC team. Our Nodal Officer from Govt of Meghalaya, Mr. Ramkumar S., represented SVM at WOIC 2023. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr.Conrad K Sangma, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Mr.Sampath Kumar, CEO of Meghalaya Basin Development Agency and Mr. Ramkumar S. for their  invaluable support and guidance in steering Smart Village Movement’s pilot projects in Meghalaya.

We extend our warmest congratulations to our Executive Chairman, Dr. Anil Shah, and India CEO, Mr. Vivek Shah, for their visionary leadership. A special acknowledgment goes to our hardworking team members — Tulenam, Alvareen, Divine, Anna, Pynshai, Regia, Baia, Mebalaaihun, and Durisha — for their dedication and outstanding contributions.

At SVM, we are proud to be a part of a community that values innovation, collaboration, and the pursuit of positive change. Our journey continues, and we look forward to building on this success to create an even more significant impact in the future.