Smart Village Movement, October 26, 2023

Thank You For Another Great Year!

It Takes ALL of Us.
Dear Smart Village Movement Supporter,

I am writing to personally thank you for your incredible support and generosity as a donor, partner, mentor, or volunteer for Smart Village Movement. Your contributions have been instrumental in fueling our mission to significantly improve the lives of underserved people in India living in our villages.

Our model of bringing collaboration between Government, companies, universities, and rural communities to bring sustainable economic growth is now showing groundbreaking results. We are also seeing positive early results of pilots in Education and Healthcare that have now been adopted as policies in our pilot state of Meghalaya and are being scaled.

This knowledge has the potential not only to transform the rural landscape across India but also to help advance solutions to gradually alleviate poverty throughout the world. This inspiring SVM story can only be told thanks to our champions, like you, who make this work possible.

We hope you continue on this journey with us all the way to the finish line. There are various ways to continue your involvement, whether through financial contributions, making introductions, or sharing your expertise. Your continued support is invaluable as we work together towards a more equitable future for all. Smart Village Movement has now achieved Public Charity Status in the USA and India, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thank you again for being a part of this mission. Enclosed is our SVM 2023 Annual Magazine and Report. It is a labor of love for all our past projects and milestones. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact me personally at any time!