Rural Healthcare Clinics – A Boon for Villagers & Travelers

Smart Village Movement, July 1, 2022

One of the Smart Village Movement’s core projects in Healthcare was to bring medical facilities closer to the rural population in Meghalaya, saving them time and money seeking healthcare.  One of the most successful initiatives is the Gramin Healthcare Clinic which provides institutionalized health care access to the last mile through  Telemedicine and pharmacy services.

Gramin Health care Clinic has been doing wonders to facilitate healthcare for more than 65 villages around Sohrarim, Meghalaya. Gramin has become an essential part of villagers’ life in Sohrarim. Situated en route to the world-famous tourist destination Cherrapunjee, the Gramin Health Care Clinic has been a boon not just for the villagers of Sohrarim and surrounding areas but also for those who travel through the Shillong-Cherrapunjee highway.

One recent incident was a road accident near the premises of Gramin Healthcare Center in Sohrarim. It was exceptionally well-handled by the Gramin Staff.  On June 27th, around 0940, a hatchback car carrying seven passengers toppled off the road near the Sohrarim premises, where the vehicle was severely damaged.

Team at Gramin Clinic immediately reached the accident scene, assisted in taking out the injured passengers, and took them to the Emergency and First aid room. The nurses and the Pharmacist took prompt action by calling the Emergency care numbers and quickly evacuating the patients with the help of locals. This expeditious effort by the team led to the swift evacuation of all the casualties after stabilizing and providing First Aid to all injured.

Gramin Healthcare Clinic, facilitated by the Smart Village Movement in Alliance with Berkeley Haas, is a healthcare clinic that caters to the rural population of Meghalaya residing in and around Sohrarim village.

Government of Meghalaya has decided to expand Gramin Healthcare Clinic to 20 more clinics in the state.

Smart Village Movement and Gramin Health Care aim to improve access to healthcare facilities in Rural Meghalaya.