Give the Gift of Impact this Giving Tuesday

Smart Village Movement, November 28, 2023

Join Smart Village Movement & Give Back

Dear SVM Friends,
Thank you to the unwavering support of friends like you, we’ve witnessed the transformative power of community-led initiatives in action.
Our donors and well-wishers help make a profound impact on the lives of rural kids in Meghalaya and Gujarat through the establishment of STEM Education Innovation Hubs.
These hubs have opened new horizons for young minds and are paving the way for a brighter future in STEM fields.
Your Support Made a Difference
-Number of States Reached: 2
-Innovation Hubs Established: 4
-Students Empowered: 1000
We aim for 4 more hubs in 2024!
“I like coming to STEM class, as here we get to learn new things every day. You do not need to do anything alone, you can pair up with your friends to make a group and work on exciting projects. Like for example, you can take a waste bottle and make it into something useful. I am always excited to learn some concepts through handmade projects and demonstrations. This class is very useful for us.”
-Aibiangki Rynghang, Grade 5, Myngken Christian Higher Secondary School
“It is a great opportunity and blessing for students and the institution, that STEM Programme was started in our school. Students are actively participating and learning new scientific and innovative concepts through different activities.
This program will improve the learning outcome of all the students in our institutions.”
-Shri E. Pyngrope
Principal, Myngken Christian Higher Secondary School

The success of this endeavor has fueled our determination to extend our reach and touch even more lives. This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join hands with us once again to make a difference in the lives of those who are deprived of essential facilities.

Your Contribution Can Help Us:
Expand STEM Education Initiatives
Support Agriculture Equipment Initiatives
How You Can Contribute:
Your generous support has the potential to create a ripple effect of positive change. Whether it’s through a monetary donation, sharing our initiatives with your network, or volunteering your time and expertise, every contribution plays a crucial role in building sustainable and empowered communities.
Give the Gift of Impact:
This Giving Tuesday, let’s come together to make a lasting impact. Your support has the power to shape a brighter future for communities in need. Together, we can create a world where every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive.
Make a contribution today
Note: SVM is now a public charity, and all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent.
Thank you for being an integral part of the SVM family. Your commitment to making a difference inspires us every day. We look forward to continuing this journey of positive change with you. Together, we can make today an impactful #GivingTuesday
With Gratitude,
SVM Team India/USA