FoodLens Technology Provides Data and Market Access for Farmers

Smart Village Movement, November 10, 2021

In November Smart Village Movement introduced our latest pilot with Kratos Innovation Labs whose FoodLens technology for Spatial Imagery enables marginal farmers to track from sowing to harvest under our Agriculture Vertical.  This provides full visibility of the harvest to food processors and FMCGs to procure directly from marginal producers/co-operatives. Through an entrepreneur-based model, the pilot will introduce satellite-enabled farm data inputs to rural Meghalaya. 

Our supply chain research in Meghalaya shows that the food supply chain needs a digital revamp which can be achieved by providing small farmers the right digital technology.  Foodlens aims to enable sustainability and financial inclusion to marginal producers and make them bankable again.

Foodlens is a blockchain platform integrated with IOT and Deep Computer Vision networks that provides the tools to marginal producers to:

  • Provide proof of quality harvest to consumers
  • Detect spurious seeds or pest attacks during the harvest period
  • Sell their produce directly to co-operatives or consumers

Foodlens enables consumers to 

  • Trace the authenticity of the food produce
  • Support sustainability of marginal producers by buying directly from them

At our Farmer Development Center (FDC) in Tyrsad entrepreneurs, Baniakyrmen and Shanwel, were trained virtually by the Kratos Innovation team in farm mapping and community mobilization. 

SVM strives to bring innovative technology, sustainability, and financial inclusion to rural India, get in touch with us to know more or participate: