Smart Village Movement played a key role in 2 Healthcare Innovative CIPS Awards received by Govt of Meghalaya

Smart Village Movement, January 19, 2024

Mr. Ram Kumar S, IAS, receiving the award for the Meghalaya Drone Delivery Network Inititiave

We are thrilled to announce that the Government of Meghalaya has been honored with two prestigious CIPS Innovation Awards 2023 by the Centre for Innovations in Public Systems, Hyderabad. The FIRST award, achieved under the leadership of Sampath Kumar, IAS, acknowledges the commitment to Positive Public Health Management in Meghalaya. The SECOND award, under the guidance of Mr. Ram Kumar S, IAS, recognizes the efforts in establishing the Meghalaya Drone Delivery Network. This recognition is a testament to the project’s groundbreaking approach to public health.

At Smart Village Movement (SVM), we take this as a compliment to our organization, as both of these awarded projects are intricately associated with us. Smart Village Movement implemented the Positive Public Health Management (PPHM) project under the leadership of Mr. Sampath Kumar (IAS) and Mr. Ramkumar S (IAS), while drawing medical expertise and inputs from our Executive Chairman, Dr. Anil Shah. We also take immense pride in being the organization that pioneered the first pilot for drone delivery of medical supplies in Meghalaya. The success of this pilot led the Government of Meghalaya to adopt the hub and spoke model for the Drone Delivery Network project, which is now scaled up under the Meghalaya Health System Strengthening Project funded by the World Bank.

In an effort to foster innovation in small states and promote inclusive advancements in public systems throughout the Northeastern Indian States, Union Territories, and Hill States, particularly in the fields of Education, Health, Information Technology, and Rural Development, an award ceremony and panel discussion were conducted on 19th January in Shillong. Recognitions were bestowed upon states that showcased exceptional innovative practices in the aforementioned sectors. This inaugural Award Ceremony was jointly organized by the Centre for Innovations in Public Systems (CIPS) and the Government Innovation Lab (GIL), Government of Meghalaya. The event, organized by CIPS in collaboration with GIL, also had the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) as knowledge partners.

During his address to the audience, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma extended his congratulations to CIPS and ASCI for hosting the innovation awards ceremony in the State. He emphasized that the event is a commendation of the innovative initiatives not only in Meghalaya but also in states across the nation.

Mr. Sampath Kumar, IAS, receiving the award for Positive Public Health Management Initiative in Meghalaya

Initiated in Bhoirymbong, Ri Bhoi District, the PPHM project focuses on proactive health screening, addressing chronic health issues, and shifting the emphasis from disease management to prevention. Whereas, On December 5, 2022, India’s first drone station “Meghalaya Drone Delivery Project ” was launched at Jengjal Sub-divisional Hospital in West Garo Hills. Serving within a 50 km radius, it ensures swift delivery of routine and emergency medical supplies to hard-to-reach health facilities.We extend our sincere gratitude and congratulations to everyone who has been a part of this journey, from conceptualization to implementation. Your contributions have been invaluable.

As we celebrate this achievement, we eagerly anticipate the continued success and impact of the PPHM project and Meghalaya Drone Delivery Project project, setting new benchmarks for innovative public health management. Thank you for your ongoing support.

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